Tesla Model Y is expected to be the best seller in 2023

Tesla Model Y is expected to be the best seller in 2023

Elon Musk has announced that Tesla’s production capabilities will allow the  Tesla Model Y to be the best-selling car in the world by 2023.

Classic cars dominate the auto market, but electric vehicle prices are increasing yearly. And it’s not the current gasoline prices and the increasingly apparent effects of climate change that will likely reverse this dynamic. For Elon Musk, it could even be one of the Tesla models that will take first place in the world’s best-selling vehicles from 2023.

The Tesla Model Y, a meteoric progression

Already the best-selling vehicle in the Tesla lineup, the Model Y is experiencing, year after year, a huge increase. According to Musk, it will be the most profitable car in the world. And this momentum will be confirmed in 2023 since the US manufacturer opens a new factory in Dutchland this year while improving the production capacity of other locations. According to P.-D.G. of the American manufacturer, what will still surpass the two million mark in production next year, including half of the Tesla Model Y

A figure is worthy of comparison with the current holder of the title of best-selling car in the world, the Toyota RAV 4, which sold just over a million copies in 2021. Therefore, these forecasts are especially impressive, especially when we know the price of the Tesla Model Y, which is still up to 65,000 dollars.

A prediction to put into perspective

However, we must be careful with the announcement that has been made because Tesla’s production rate is closely related to the production rate of factories located in China, which has been hit hard by measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 this year.
. Also, you need to remember where the ads are coming from. Because if it is undeniable that Elon Musk has succeeded in just 15 years in making Tesla a key player in the auto industry, in the past, he has repeatedly made scandalous statements because they are baseless. The soap opera surrounding his announcement of a takeover of social media network Twitter (an operation that was ultimately canceled after weeks of public negotiations) is the most recent example. It was also approved by the SEC (Security and Exchange Commission), the US equivalent of the AMF, in 2019. At the time, he was accused of artificially inflating Tesla’s stock price by announcing announced on Twitter … increased production capacity of electric cars for next year.
